Midweek Inspirations: Pure Style

I'm feeling a bit under the weather this week, and whenever that happens it seems that everything around me begins to fall apart within a day or two.  It's times like these, when I feel a little overwhelmed that I pull out my favorite book, Pure Style Living by Jane Cumberbatch.

Sure, it has beautiful photos, but it has more than that.  It has a mood, the mood I want to have in my home.  Jane's approach to living is to make home the heart of daily life.

And while there are many words in the book, one of my favorite details are the highlighted words, so you don't have to read every word, but can focus on what's important.

I hope you enjoy the pretty photos today and make sure to visit Jane's blog.  I'm off to curl up on the sofa to rest.


Anonymous,  1/21/09, 11:13 AM  

What a beautiful book- I just ordered a copy from Amazon. Not exactly my style, but lovely images and inspiration. Feel better!

alyson. 1/29/09, 7:52 AM  

these are fantastic images.


and I love your work!

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